Morning Light
What Are You Going to Do?
Now is not the time for avoidance or passivity. What can you do or do more? Who are you going to support? These are the questions for an engaged yogi. Meditation, asana, and pranayama are life balance and support not… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Sudden Storm
Sitting for Meditation
How do you choose what mudra to use when sitting for meditation? Do you shift depending on time of day, ambient temperature, your mood or physical state when you start out, or do you stick to a single one–perhaps because… (READ MORE)
Tropical Storm and Gratitude
While I do not believe in hoarding wealth — that’s a significant contributor to our current social problems, I am grateful that I have always been disciplined enough to save for emergencies. So far no one has been hurt. The… (READ MORE)