Found Exhortation
Found Exhortation
What we do matters even if it does not (or apparently does not) change the big picture. I find contributing in some way helps me feel less despondent, even if that is because I have occupied my mind with positive… (READ MORE)
Energetic Presence
I go out when I can to be present, to let those, like the Congresspeople trying to get into the Treasury Department to ask oversight questions, who are putting their safety on the line and dedicating more energy and talent… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (and Sadhana)
Found Exhortation (at the People’s March, Washington, DC)
Historic Anniversary and Yogic Discernment
January 6 is yet another day so historic it warrants reflection and impetus to action on every anniversary. (That might be resting, by the way, if you spend much of your temporal, energetic, and emotional resources in the efforts to… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
I bumped into former neighbors on the street and one asked whether I was currently leading a regular, public yoga practice. I invited them to invite themselves over to my house to practice. This invitation goes to you, too. It’s… (READ MORE)