Why Do You Practice Asana?
I do not do the poses as an end in themselves. I practice moving my body mindfully so that I can move as best serves my life. Among other things, I like to be sufficiently flexible and secure in my… (READ MORE)
Sitting for Meditation
How do you choose what mudra to use when sitting for meditation? Do you shift depending on time of day, ambient temperature, your mood or physical state when you start out, or do you stick to a single one–perhaps because… (READ MORE)
Tropical Storm and Gratitude
While I do not believe in hoarding wealth — that’s a significant contributor to our current social problems, I am grateful that I have always been disciplined enough to save for emergencies. So far no one has been hurt. The… (READ MORE)
Protest Art Around Town
Sunset and a Question
Yoga Is Skill In Action
I’m spending the weekend via Zoom with Michelle Johnson, for a “Skill in Action” retreat, where she is creating and holding the space for exploring how we individually and collectively can act to bring more communal justice, through anti-racist action,… (READ MORE)
When I Wasn’t Looking
I don’t know how I missed this pickling cucumber before it grew to such enormous proportions. I’ve scooped the seeds and pulp and added some water to ferment for a couple of days. Then I will dry the seeds that… (READ MORE)