Calm Abiding Mudra
Mudras are meant to invoke certain meanings, feelings, or intentions. The mudra of calm abiding, with the hands placed on the thighs, palms facing down, is a good one for these times. The point is not to go away, but… (READ MORE)
Mudras are meant to invoke certain meanings, feelings, or intentions. The mudra of calm abiding, with the hands placed on the thighs, palms facing down, is a good one for these times. The point is not to go away, but… (READ MORE)
One sign reads: “Fight for the Things You Care About” the other reads: “In this house we believe–love is love, black lives matter, science is real, women’s rights are human rights, no human is illegal, water is life, and kindness… (READ MORE)
I woke up sad this morning. I gave a political contribution, sat for meditation, and went out into the garden before going upstairs to work. I’m still sad, but engaged myself in what I was doing for the full day–trying… (READ MORE)
Part of the reason “around town” is within several blocks of my house since the pandemic began is the limits on being able to find a safe bathroom. I prefer that to dehydrating prior to going out. I’m lucky to… (READ MORE)
Today I worked efficiently, gave additional money in support of racial justice, signed comment letters and petitions, meditated, walked, shared calls to action on social media, picked beans, cherry tomatoes, and herbs in the garden, and made soba noodles in… (READ MORE)