
Waxing Moon/Hazy Sky

The haze is from the wild fires out west. What might you be able to forego—perhaps a plane or automobile trip—or a degree or two less cooling from any air conditioning you might use to help minimize your contribution to… (READ MORE)


Haiku About An Assignment

I’m attending via the Internet a year-long series of lectures through the Upaya Zen Center about Socially Engaged Buddhism. On the honor system (the program consists only of watching zoom or YouTube lectures and a Facebook forum with no interaction… (READ MORE)


Asteya and Juneteenth

Asteya in Sanskrit means non-stealing and is the third yama of the yamas and niyamas set forth in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as a critical part of the path of yoga. White people giving themselves a holiday created by Black people… (READ MORE)


A Meditation on Patience

When I decided to make strawberry towers part of the new sleeping porch garden extension, Niraj Ray of Cultivate the City told me to remove all of the flowers until mid-May to allow the plants to develop leaves large enough… (READ MORE)
