Questions Around Town
Seems appropriate for Yom Kippur. sign reads: “Do we really want a return to normal? Isn’t it time we build something better?”
Seems appropriate for Yom Kippur. sign reads: “Do we really want a return to normal? Isn’t it time we build something better?”
After almost none all summer, now they’re ripening in abundance. I’ll roast and then freeze most of them to eat in the winter. I attended yoga class by zoom this afternoon. We worked on the poses that benefit from attention… (READ MORE)
Tattoo circa the Kavanaugh hearings. I have strategically placed reminders to keep me engaged.
Today I worked efficiently, gave additional money in support of racial justice, signed comment letters and petitions, meditated, walked, shared calls to action on social media, picked beans, cherry tomatoes, and herbs in the garden, and made soba noodles in… (READ MORE)
It’s a weighty sky.
Sometimes active, sometimes quieting; sometimes focused, sometimes with wild abandon–but always do both sides.
Beans, okra, cucumber, cherry tomatoes
Although, having been raised as a Quaker and continued to practice as such in adulthood, I do not observe most of the Jewish rituals and holidays. This year I was certain that I at least wanted to bake something traditional… (READ MORE)