Found Exhortation (and the Women’s March on Washington)
I was volunteering today at William Penn House, which was providing a comfort station for marchers during the day, as well as being full to capacity with guests. I was doing some work in the office when a woman who… (READ MORE)
Durga, Durga
Om Dum Durgaye Namaha
Found Exhortation (and Tantric Yoga Practice?)
Found Exhortation (and Tandava)
Today’s Addition to the Yoga Chalkboard Graffiti Wall (Durga Yantra)
On the Way Home from Tuesday Night Yoga Practice at William Penn House
“Reality is Unforgivingly Complex”
Yesterday, the first of the year, I pulled off the shelf and opened at random Anne Lamott’s “Bird by Bird.” I’d found it used some time ago and was interested, but other things got ahead of it on my reading… (READ MORE)