Morning Walk
Be aware of what needs your attention, including moments of beauty. [Caption] Photo shows a sticker with a red circle with a line across it and a cartoon image of 45; a sticker that says “stop police brutality” and a… (READ MORE)
Be aware of what needs your attention, including moments of beauty. [Caption] Photo shows a sticker with a red circle with a line across it and a cartoon image of 45; a sticker that says “stop police brutality” and a… (READ MORE)
Self-care is part of collective care, but only if it is in balance with active care of the collective. This morning, before reading the news and working hard, I sat for meditation and put up lentil soup in the slow… (READ MORE)
After days of self-quarantine in anticipation of a visit to the dentist for regular care, it was good to be out and about for a bit. My temperature was 95F on the thermometer used by the receptionist. It’s usually low… (READ MORE)