Today We Celebrate, Tomorrow We Get On With The Work
Today I have some hope. I keep on, though, regardless of hope. That is the practice.
Healing Energy Comes in Many Forms
Offerings Around Town
Maitri Demonstrates the Practice of Ekagrata
Shadow and Light
How curious that the shadow makes the open shape of the wire look twisted.
Of Course I Was Attracted to the 330 million (Var.)
This was the kind of imagery lying around the rooms of the cool older kids when I was starting to form my cultural consciousness.
I am deeply grateful that I can soothe myself with food. I made basil, garlic chive pesto last summer when the garden was at its height and froze some (before adding cheese). The sourdough starter needs to be used at… (READ MORE)
Cat Nap
In the middle of this chaos. She reveals my privilege. Self care is not adequate without community care.