Found Exhortation
Signs Around Town (NYC Style)
Yoga Slow Dance (Making It All Improv)
The dance of yoga is about motion in stillness and stillness in motion, and in not letting oneself be frozen. Stillness is the space between vibrations, instead of the shutting down or closing off vibration. To experience the space between… (READ MORE)
All around town there are dry cleaning emporia that advertise their ability to do alterations. They are not offering complete transformations. Rather, they are offering to take down a hem or to shorten it, to take in the waist or… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
A Useful Tool
I think of the yoga practices as a useful tool. No more, no less. Striving for enlightenment or deeming anyone enlightened just creates problems. But maintaining a steady and well-rounded practice because it can make one a little happier, a… (READ MORE)
Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether
We are composed of nothing different than earth, water, fire, air, and space, and much of yoga practice (as are related practices such as ayurveda) is designed to recognize and align our elemental identity. It is human nature to manufacture,… (READ MORE)