Mini Lessons
Friends and acquaintances ask me whether I am teaching yoga. My answer is that I do it when asked. Last week, I offered a “release” practice for a friend who is still having hot flashes many years after their final… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Ahh. “Free the mind.” Free it of ignorance and being stuck in old, tired patterns of thinking—societal, ancestral, and created from our own lived experience. Free the mind to imagine, create, deduce, consider alternatives and choices and cause and effect…. (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Signs Around Town (Tandava)
State of the Garden
Notes on Practicing
On Friday, on the cusp between late afternoon and early evening, a friend, who has been under significant stress, came over to hang out for a while. I brought my friend up to the yoga studio, invited putting legs up… (READ MORE)
In the Midst of the Turmoil
On Saturday, along with a few thousand other people, I went to the March for Our Lives at the base of the Washington monument. Set out before the monument, in even rows, were thousands of vases of white and orange… (READ MORE)