Tag Archive: edible container gardening

State of the Garden

One of my stay at home projects was to expand the garden to the sleeping porch, making for a lovely practice area off the room that serves as the yoga studio. Strawberries, cherry tomatoes, and green beans are arriving.


State of the Garden

Last week I went across town by bus to renew my expired drivers license and replace it with the real ID version. On the way home I visited a friend from work whom I haven’t seen in person since before… (READ MORE)


State of the Garden

After having at long last (years), had the back sleeping porch and deck repaired and improved, the garden has expanded to the sleeping porch. I’m trying beans, cherry tomatoes, and hops as trailing vines. It will be interesting to participate…. (READ MORE)


State of the Garden

I woke up sad this morning. I gave a political contribution, sat for meditation, and went out into the garden before going upstairs to work. I’m still sad, but engaged myself in what I was doing for the full day–trying… (READ MORE)
