Found Exhortation
Eight Minutes and 46 Seconds
Appreciating and Also Being Concerned
It was beautiful today at the Arboretum, and I was glad to be there. I also noticed, along with other signs of impending drought, how low are the water levels for this time of year. I have been working on… (READ MORE)
Invite to Practice Yoga and Gardening
I am pleased and excited to announce my first public, in person practice since the inception of the pandemic. Is it any surprise that this yoga offering is an invitation to the garden, which is a place dedicated to creating… (READ MORE)
Be Here Now (Var.)?
Be Here Now (Var.)
Last Night’s Moon
State of the Garden
Last year I decided to bring this murti of Kuan Yin outside. I asked my neighbor if it was ok, as her parents came here from China, . My neighbor welcomed this presence in the space between our yards and… (READ MORE)