Lady Macbeth (and Bhavana)
The young woman sitting next to me on the train north from New York, who is impossibly tall and has lovely, strong features (i.e., is perfectly cast), is memorizing Lady Macbeth’s lines. I had on my own lap print-outs of… (READ MORE)
The “Highest First” and Knowing What Is a Weed
Webster’s On-Line Dictionary defines a “weed” as”any plant growing in cultivated ground to the injury of the crop or desired vegetation, or to the disfigurement of the place; an unsightly, useless, or injurious plant.” At first blush, this might seem… (READ MORE)
Om Namo Bhagavate
Christina Sell Writes About Teaching at Willow Street and Suzie Hurley
I had the good fortune to be able to study with Christina Sell last weekend at Willow Street. Christina writes here about the Willow Street community. Her gracious words reveal the light in her own teaching and personal expression. I… (READ MORE)
John Friend Blog Post on the Summer Solstice
Two Ways of Looking at Things (and Women: Count Your Apertures)
My studies today (it is a very rare day that I do not read some of a yoga text or commentary) included a mention of the body’s nine openings. The yoga treatises ubiquitously mention the “nine openings” of the body… (READ MORE)
June William Penn House Classes Back on Location (Web Version of E-Notice)
Dear Friends, My apologies for any potential confusion. William Penn House IS able to accommodate Tuesday night yoga classes in June and the conference people. Please disregard previous notice, or, in the immortal words of Gilda Radnor, “never mind.” Hope… (READ MORE)
Waiting for the Bus
The hunched over woman lit a cigarette. Another man bummed one from her and leaned against the trash cans to smoke. Smoking helps make the bus come–right? Nowadays, I contemplate, or chant, or stand on one foot, or maybe post… (READ MORE)
Article About Anusara Yoga and Aging
Congratulations and thanks for my friends and fellow Anusara yoga instructors, Kathy Carroll and Ellen Saltonstall for publishing, Effects of Anusara Yoga on Older Students From Their Perspective (Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation • Volume 27, Number 2, 94–103 • Copyright… (READ MORE)