Heading to Chennai to Fly Home
Another Roadside Attraction?
There are thousands of little temples — some hardly more than altars — scattered throughout both the countryside and cities here. I marvel at the artistry of some and the garishness of others. I think, on witnessing this effulgence of… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (South Indian Pilgrimage Style)
I chose not to partake myself. When and how and where and why we participate in ritual should have nothing to do with anyone else’s decisions and actions to the extent they don’t harm or demand obedience or belief from… (READ MORE)
Bowl of Light
Found Exhortation
The Dance Continues
Web Version of E-Newsletter: Holiday Greetings and Schedule
Dear Friends, I hope you are all doing as well as possible in the midst of this holiday season and that you experience much peace and joy through the coming year. I write to you in the midst of preparations… (READ MORE)