Hanuman Was Around
There were lots of images of Hanuman around where we were in the hills. I come home after this long break–far enough away and for a long enough time to be able to gain perspective–and think, given that I have… (READ MORE)
A Cookie and a Note
Last week, a co-worker stopped by my office to chat. Not surprisingly, the conversation turned to current affairs, and I voiced my every day growing anger and grief and disgust and commitment to seek more ways to have positive impact…. (READ MORE)
On the Way to William Penn House for Tuesday Night Yoga Practice
On the way home, it being twilight because I’d stayed talking about the state of our country and what William Penn House can do to support action and resistance, I was fortunate to see bats swooping for mosquitoes. In practice,… (READ MORE)
Sri Chakra (and a Question)
From the Mud Grows the Lotus
Signs Around Town
Lunch Time Walk to Buy Dental Floss
Today I numbly and rather inefficiently worked. It was rather pleasant weather when I went out at lunchtime. I remembered to notice, despite contemplating the innumerable consequences of the election and about how I can and should best participate going… (READ MORE)