Signs Around Town
Signs Around Town (and Prachurya)
Visiting Friends at the Freer and the Sackler Before They Close for Renovation
On the first day of my staycation, I slept late, joined a good friend for a big bowl of spicy noodle soup for lunch, went to the Freer and the Sackler, and then to see the Star Wars movie. I… (READ MORE)
On the Way Home from Tuesday Night Yoga Practice at William Penn House (330 million gods var.)
Murtis Around Town
Ganapati Wannabe
Signs Around Town (and the Goal of Some Systems of Yoga?
Kuan Yin (At Eastern Market)
Last Sunday, when I was at Eastern Market to get apples and pears, I saw a small, painted wood statue of Kuan Yin. I have been attracted to this one of the 330 million gods and goddesses for some time. … (READ MORE)