Sukha (the why of sequencing and the foster cats)
Last week, I used as a theme sukha — ease, comfort, happiness. I was inspired by Lorin Roche’s discussion of translating in his “version” of the Vijnana Bhairava, which he entitles “The Radiance Sutras.” In it he notes that “[e]ven… (READ MORE)
Thinking Things Through v. Overthinking
It is good to act consciously, to move and react from a place of sensitivity, discrimination, and understanding. It is good to know both the big picture and the details. When does paying attention and thinking things through, though, become… (READ MORE)
Health Care Reform, Brick-Throwing, Death Threats (and Svatrantrya)
One of the six fundamental aspects of being (sat) in the “Shiva-Shakti” tantra that is the foundation of Anusara yoga is svatantrya — freedom. (The others are cit, ananda, spanda, purnatva, sri). Freedom in this sense is an ultimate freedom… (READ MORE)
Novelization of the Mahabharata
I found used a novelization of the Mahabharata a couple of weeks ago, which I am now reading. I’ve read other versions put into English prose, all of which have some stamp of the presenter (author?). The version I am… (READ MORE)
The extraordinary blossoming of Spring is springing! Witnessing this great effulgence can help us understand the potential of practice, all of which is intended to lead us to an inner effulgence of bliss so that we can bring it out… (READ MORE)
Question of the Week (On random thoughts of Wittgenstein arising while reading Abhinavagupta).
Great Inspiration
Saw this as an email signature from an email on a list serve I follow and had to share: To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation… (READ MORE)
Samtosha (and the “Founding Fathers”)
I am subbing Fusion Flow tonight up at Willow Street. Natalie, for whom – am subbing, has been teaching the yamas and niyamas this session. She asked me to cover “samtosha” tonight. In contemplating this principle of practice again (it… (READ MORE)
New Spinach (and Udyamo Bhairava)
The fifth sutra in Abhinavagupta’s Siva Sutras, is “udyamo bhairava” — the great upsurge of consciousness. When we are open and aware, we can witness this upsurge, the very pulsing of life energy in all that is in and around… (READ MORE)