Great Inspiration
Saw this as an email signature from an email on a list serve I follow and had to share: To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation… (READ MORE)
Saw this as an email signature from an email on a list serve I follow and had to share: To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation… (READ MORE)
At the Yoga for Gardeners Workshop, I will be ordering the workshop into (1) yoga to prepare for a session in the garden; (2) yoga pauses to do intermittently while gardening; and (3) yoga post-gardening. I’m off to enjoy the… (READ MORE)
My friend Dan posted a blog entry earlier this week talking about getting distracted by a rainbow. He wrote that he was sure that other “grownups” did not get distracted by the rainbow. As I was observing the way people… (READ MORE)
I am working from home today or I would have missed the arrival of not one, but two very large bulk trash hauling trucks pulling up on the block. For the past two hours, a team of workers have been… (READ MORE)
For the past week, I have been contemplating, practicing with, and teaching the axiomatic sequenced alignment principle of Anusara yoga “stabilize the periphery; move from the core.” It means exactly what it says. We stabilize the outer edges of the… (READ MORE)
I realize that this blog entry was in my drafts page; I never hit the publish button. As I ponder the few intervening weeks of snow (in some ways it feels as if time just stopped, except for the work… (READ MORE)
Last night in group practice, we were working on the mini-arm balances. As I demonstrated a pose, my spine shifted. From the middle thoracic vertebra right behind the heart all the way up to C7, each vertebra popped sequentially, releasing… (READ MORE)
On the surface, I have recently seen worse ideas. At its depths, what is a mother or a founding father? What is a nation? Does a mother or a father have to have a religion? What can we do to… (READ MORE)
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra II.48, tatah dvandaha anabhighataha is translated by B.K.S. Iyengar as “from then on [after the yogi through steady practice has absorbed him/herself in the practice of yoga), the sadhaka (practitioner) is undisturbed by dualities.” This sutra follows… (READ MORE)