Dancing With Nataraja (Again)
Sculpture Around Town (Dan Flavin at the Hirshhorn)
When I find myself wrestling with thought or emotion, it always helps to go look at art (when a walk in nature is not available). It the combination of walking and seeing that opens me and invites me to find… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Excerpt)
In the Light
As my yoga community continues to wrestles with the upheaval of radical transformation and each of us comes face to face with our own stuff in that regard, I continue to seek to hold all–and the process–in the light. Peace… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation?
Learning From Our Demons (Hanuman Leaps to Lanka)
Last month, Sianna Sherman taught a weekend workshop at Willow Street Yoga. At the beginning of one of the segments of the workshop, she talked about the story of the monkey god Hanuman and his leap to Lanka (he did… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden
The grapes are starting to bunch, and for the first time, the kiwi is covered with buds. Two of the tomato plants have their first flowers. Snow peas are climbing up the trellises. Carrots, spring onions, radishes, and beans are… (READ MORE)