Signs Around Town (and Symmetry)
Advancing The practice. Community. I spied this sign yesterday in the exhibitor hall on the lower level of the Marriott in Woodley Park. I was attending a portion of the 38th Annual Conference of Enrolled Actuaries. (Go ahead: I dare… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (Excerpt)
Found Exhortation
Gates and Gateways (and Ganesha’s Exhortation)
A gate might be an obstacle or it might be a way through or it might be that which is containing something that would otherwise be detrimental to our well-being. One of the key things that we do with the… (READ MORE)
All Is Food (per the Upanishads)?
Found Exhortation
Yes, There Were More
My friend asked me tonight whether I’d gone over to the Supreme Court to see if there were any more heart-shaped clouds during the oral arguments today. I was occupied mostly by errands on my too brief lunch time walk… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Podcast on Ayurveda for Yoga Students and Teachers
Thanks to the generous Cate Stillman for this podcast. What I like most about Cate’s perspective is her teaching that truly practicing Ayurveda is paying attention at the deepest level, including paying attention to what in the classic teaching of… (READ MORE)