Avilokitesvara– god(dess) of compassion had one head and two arms. Zhe didn’t have enough ears to listen to all the stories of suffering, so one of the buddhas busted one head into eleven. Avilokitesvara’s two arms broke from the weight… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Sign Making Around Town
Signs and Statuary Around Town
It’s unseasonably hot, we desperately need rain in my location, the air quality is poor, the air conditioning broke yesterday, the madness is on so many fronts it is easy to feel overwhelmed, but still, I pause to notice a… (READ MORE)
On the Way to William Penn House for Tuesday Night Yoga Practice
Signs Around Town
On My Walk to Work I Happened Into a Friendly and Important Conversation
Have you called, emailed, etc about the looming health care bill, about DACA, about diplomacy over military action? Please make it a practice. A weekly practice. Regardless of your assessment of the likely impact of your one small voice. We… (READ MORE)