Two Ways of Looking at Things (and Women: Count Your Apertures)
My studies today (it is a very rare day that I do not read some of a yoga text or commentary) included a mention of the body’s nine openings. The yoga treatises ubiquitously mention the “nine openings” of the body… (READ MORE)
It Does Not Get Much Better (and Satcitananda)
The key concept of yoga–satcitananda can be elusive, like all abstract concepts in the yoga philosophy and in other philosophies or areas of study. We are given metaphors and analogies in the texts to help us recognize when, through our… (READ MORE)
Waiting for the Bus
The hunched over woman lit a cigarette. Another man bummed one from her and leaned against the trash cans to smoke. Smoking helps make the bus come–right? Nowadays, I contemplate, or chant, or stand on one foot, or maybe post… (READ MORE)
Article About Anusara Yoga and Aging
Congratulations and thanks for my friends and fellow Anusara yoga instructors, Kathy Carroll and Ellen Saltonstall for publishing, Effects of Anusara Yoga on Older Students From Their Perspective (Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation • Volume 27, Number 2, 94–103 • Copyright… (READ MORE)
June Greetings (Web Version of June E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, One of the yoga practices in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is sauca, which means cleanliness or purity. It does have a basic aspect of physical cleanliness, which has lead me this year to do an especially vigorous spring cleaning. … (READ MORE)
William Penn House (Home of the Tuesday Night Group Yoga Practice)
Arugula and Green Garlic Pesto
There’s lots of arugula in the garden. Some still new enough to save for salad, some that has bolted in the heat. The cilantro is just about gone with the dry heat. The basil and parsley have gone to flower. … (READ MORE)
Blossoms Around Town
Firefly Tattoo?
I was looking at an age spot on my forearm the other day and wondered whether I should get a tattoo to cover or incorporate it. “Something small and modest, but with meaning,” I thought. “Something that would not admit… (READ MORE)