State of the Garden
How exciting to see not only what is ready to eat now — the greens and herbs and strawberries — but the promise of what will come throughout the summer, so long as my dedicated attentions continue; the weather is… (READ MORE)
How exciting to see not only what is ready to eat now — the greens and herbs and strawberries — but the promise of what will come throughout the summer, so long as my dedicated attentions continue; the weather is… (READ MORE)
Last night I had the singular pleasure of hearing Gary Snyder read his poetry at the Folger Shakespeare Library. At the end of the reading, Mr. Snyder answered a few questions. In response to one question about advice he gives… (READ MORE)
Who goes past oblivious and uncaring? Who goes past preoccupied? Who takes a brief glance and continues on? Who stops to watch? Who discusses and invites? Who makes a special pilgrimage? Who is inspired to create by the creative offering?… (READ MORE)
I love this piece of yard art (assuming it was intended to be art). Do you have places that you have reserved for yourself that perhaps would be better abandoned? Are there places and spaces where you could grow and… (READ MORE)
As my yoga community continues to wrestles with the upheaval of radical transformation and each of us comes face to face with our own stuff in that regard, I continue to seek to hold all–and the process–in the light. Peace… (READ MORE)