Found Exhortation
Signs (Affixed to Other Signs) Around Town
Of Moment
The “occupy” movement has all but disappeared from consciousness. Other stories have grabbed the short attention spans of the press, hungry to be the one to be telling the nowest thing. Most of the occupations have long since been evacuated… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Time for Asana Practice
I Am Resigned
This week, I am resigned that Anusara has finally dissolved too completely for it to live on in any way that resembled its former self, the most sweetly and bravely hopeful having at last been pushed away by the concatenation… (READ MORE)
Taking a Moment
As I was walking to work and passing through the park on the north side of the Capitol, I saw this young woman first doing pranayama and then settling into meditation. I do not know whether this is her neighborhood… (READ MORE)
A Walk in the Woods
It is good to get outside as often as possible. Though I spend most of my time in the city, by commuting and doing many of my errands on foot and by gardening I spend a good amount of time… (READ MORE)