Sometimes, the Concern is Not the Risk Warned Of, But the Making of the Warning
For example, I am not concerned with the risk of being filled up by Satan (that’s Satan with a capital “S”) because of practicing yoga. But I am deeply concerned that the people quoted as making such warnings are seeking or are… (READ MORE)
Late Spring Greetings–Making Time and Space (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, I hope you are thriving to the greatest extent possible under your current circumstances in this outrageous Spring and weathering (pun intended) the wild fluctuations between apparent late winter and seemingly already mid-summer. My garden has been uncertain… (READ MORE)
A Little Bit of India
I cannot tell you whether the food is tasty or healthy or authentic, but something felt good about this truck that was at Eastern Market today. Please comment if you’ve tried it. Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (With Caveats)
The ubiquitous exhortation to love that we find in so many spiritual teachings does not, I think, require us to love the individual as an individual. Loving an individual particularly requires liking, and liking is an idiosyncratic thing and as… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Found Quotations
Some Perspective
Thanks to my friend Dan Harper for sharing this quote from Alice Walker, along with his own cogent thoughts This morning, when I was thinking about how to address some of my current challenges, I decided it was important for… (READ MORE)
Love “the Cow Lakshmi” Part
This Evening on the Catio
The snow pea shoots were Especially exquisite. And the kale flowers. Hydroponic tomato from one of the farmers at the Penn Quarter Thursday market and organic avocado, tossed in tahini and then sprinkled with fine balsamic vinager, supplement sprouts grown… (READ MORE)