Found Exhortation
At the Bus Stop
When I was waiting for the bus this morning, a woman walked up the sidewalk with two dogs off leash. The back, belly, and hindquarters of one dog had been shaven; he looked post-operative and stayed close to the woman…. (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (and belated Happy Independence Day)
Found Exhortation (Partially Obscured)
Signs Around Town
Found Exhortation (and Happy 4th of July)
What could be more quintessentially American and also generally incompatible with authentic yoga teachings than the desire/exhortation to express one’s individuality? How can we really practice yoga and still honor this inbred privileging of the individual? Are there ways of… (READ MORE)
Signs/Sculpture Around Town
Found Question
What does it mean to be ok? How often do we say that we are ok for the purpose of avoiding saying how things really are at the time? These questions are ones I ponder on a not infrequent basis…. (READ MORE)
“Please wait just a moment,” I asked my friend as we were heading home after a morning at the museums and a delicious lunch out. “What,” he asked, “another heart cloud?” I did not need to answer; he could just… (READ MORE)