Asana, Pranayama, and Yoga Practice

Discussion of physical aspects of yoga (on and off the mat)

It’s Easy When the Weather is Beautiful (and Ananda)

The light woke me early on this summer solstice. The sky is bright blue, the air clear and pleasantly temperate, the mountains lushly green, and friends surround me. The practice yesterday was lustrous, and the next two days promise to… (READ MORE)


The “Highest First” and Knowing What Is a Weed

Webster’s On-Line Dictionary defines a “weed” as”any plant growing in cultivated ground to the injury of the crop or desired vegetation, or to the disfigurement of the place; an unsightly, useless, or injurious plant.”  At first blush, this might seem… (READ MORE)


June William Penn House Classes Back on Location (Web Version of E-Notice)

Dear Friends, My apologies for any potential confusion.  William Penn House IS able to accommodate Tuesday night yoga classes in June and the conference people.  Please disregard previous notice, or, in the immortal words of Gilda Radnor, “never mind.” Hope… (READ MORE)
