Found Exhortation (and Happy 4th of July)
What could be more quintessentially American and also generally incompatible with authentic yoga teachings than the desire/exhortation to express one’s individuality? How can we really practice yoga and still honor this inbred privileging of the individual? Are there ways of… (READ MORE)
Signs/Sculpture Around Town
Found Question
What does it mean to be ok? How often do we say that we are ok for the purpose of avoiding saying how things really are at the time? These questions are ones I ponder on a not infrequent basis…. (READ MORE)
Reminder–No Class Tuesday July 2nd (and Svatantriya)–Web Version of E-Mailing
Dear Friends, Just a friendly reminder that there’s no practice at William Penn House or the house next week. I’ll be off exercising the civil liberties currently available by traveling with my beloved to upstate New York to participate in… (READ MORE)
Yoga Ideas Best Put Aside
I just received a yoga email advertising classes and workshops that quoted a well-respected teacher as saying not to listen to your mind and to listen only to your heart. I respectfully disagree. I do believe that if we listen… (READ MORE)
Never Mind What Might Be Happening On The Ground
Where to Start Optimal Alignment in Yoga Asana
With Morning Tea on the Catio
Yes, I Knew Him (and the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra)
When my students arrived at William Penn House last night for class, I said, “yes, I knew him; they are both my co-workers.” I didn’t need to say anything else. All of them read the Washington Post and know that… (READ MORE)