Another Tulip
I spent most of my waking hours today working. I did meditate and stretche and walk to and from the office for a meeting. I ate well. On my walks I enjoyed the outrageous blooming everywhere. Enough to count myself… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Thoughts on Meditation
Naga Vaishnava Rupini
Goddess of the unfolding of our deepest desires (of the subconscious). So I was told. At the Tillai Kali Temple outside of Chidambaram. After hours of document drafting and emails and phone conferences today (with the pleasurable interlude of a… (READ MORE)
Noun or Exhortation?
This Morning’s Puja Card
A Pond in the Woods and Some Dogs (and Vimarsha)
I’ve been told that the tantric yoga masters said everything is the emanating light of consciousness with a capital “C” (prakasha) and through certain esoteric practices we can come to know ourselves as reflecting back on (vimarsha) this exquisite light. … (READ MORE)