Be Here Now (Var.)
Winter Sunrise
Merry Christmas
Join Me for Free On-Line Practice Today (X-Mas Eve) and Next Thursday (New Year’s Eve)
Invitation to Gratitude and Inspiration Free Streaming Yoga Christmas Eve (TODAY!) and New Year’s Eve Nurture Your Gifts and Release What No Longer Serves Time: 4:00-5:30pm Date: Thursdays–December 24 and 31 Register at: We’ll be signing on early if you… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Found Affirmation
Invitation to the Gift of Yoga Practice
As I consider both what I want to change and what I am grateful for while we go through this time of imagination and possibility and grief and rage and creativity and patience and restraint and fierce need for engaged… (READ MORE)
Holiday Cookies
I wanted a plateful of cookies. To have that required sharing cookies with neighbors. I still have some left. If you’re a neighbor, let me know if you want some. In writing about cookies and sharing with neighbors, I think… (READ MORE)