Author Archive: Elizabeth

Asteya and Juneteenth

Asteya in Sanskrit means non-stealing and is the third yama of the yamas and niyamas set forth in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as a critical part of the path of yoga. White people giving themselves a holiday created by Black people… (READ MORE)


A Meditation on Patience

When I decided to make strawberry towers part of the new sleeping porch garden extension, Niraj Ray of Cultivate the City told me to remove all of the flowers until mid-May to allow the plants to develop leaves large enough… (READ MORE)


State of the Garden

One of my stay at home projects was to expand the garden to the sleeping porch, making for a lovely practice area off the room that serves as the yoga studio. Strawberries, cherry tomatoes, and green beans are arriving.


State of the Garden

Last week I went across town by bus to renew my expired drivers license and replace it with the real ID version. On the way home I visited a friend from work whom I haven’t seen in person since before… (READ MORE)
