Found Sermon?
When I saw this on the sidewalk, I wondered whether it was litter–the content of a note unless autographed by someone famous is still litter if it is discarded on the street; or was it a note that slipped out… (READ MORE)
When I saw this on the sidewalk, I wondered whether it was litter–the content of a note unless autographed by someone famous is still litter if it is discarded on the street; or was it a note that slipped out… (READ MORE)
Sometimes I wonder why a thing appears in a particular place at a particular time. Then I wonder why I wonder. It is not as though I am going to get an answer. It can be good fun, though, speculating… (READ MORE)
Dear Friends, Midnight of the new year found me sitting in a hotel room near the Chidambaram temple at festival time engaged in intense conversation while listening to wild music and chanting and the cracks and explosions of fire crackers. … (READ MORE)
One of the first things I did when I got home was to start several kinds of sprouts. Soaking beans overnight is, if you think about it, just a prelude to sprouting. I often sprout beans for a few days… (READ MORE)
In Anusara yoga, one of the ways the first principle of “opening to grace” can be experienced and practiced is as a radical expansion of the capacity to receive and appreciate the very wonder of being. During my visit to… (READ MORE)
I was not witness to the most abject poverty in India (both because of where I went and because of how I was guided). These makeshift, but semi-permanent shelters seen from the window of the bus made me think of… (READ MORE)
It was just approaching the deep dark of the solstice when I left for places warm and light. Last week, when I got home, just by comparison to the sultriness of southern India, it felt dark. This morning, though, I… (READ MORE)
These stickers have been around town for awhile; I first noticed them during one of the big marches. I assume that it is meant to be ironic. The idea of fighting for non-violence, though, certainly highlights the degeneration of much… (READ MORE)