Would the Sky Look Different to You?
The sky was a very pretty mixture of blue and fluffy clouds this morning. The first photo I took did not have the Capitol in the corner because the sky was just a little more lustrous and variegated facing more… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
I thought about not posting this because of the lack of parallel construction, and then decided the grammatical flaw was outweighed by the message. Just infer the word “have” before faith. 🙂 Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Will There Be Any Change in My Local Yoga Class Following the Events of the Past Few Weeks?
A regular reader of this blog, who was a member of the Willow Street Yoga community until she moved out of the country, wrote and said that though she enjoyed the classes in her new home, she missed the adjustments… (READ MORE)
A Little (or Maybe Big) Perspective
I admit it. So caught up I have been in what my friends and colleagues have been posting on the internet about what has happened in our little corner of the world, that I haven’t been reading the news of… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
I hardly glance twice at the squares of sidewalk that are unmarked. But those that have fissured attract my eye–the beauty of the patterns and to the potential need to step more carefully. Peace and light, E — Posted with… (READ MORE)
“Finding the Warm Inside” — A Restorative Yoga Workshop, Feb 25th (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, It is a time for me of great emotional expansion and challenge. In such times, both more active, energizing yoga and sweetly, deeply meditative still yoga is a continuing gift to give myself and to share. Please join… (READ MORE)