Reminders Around Town
I walk past the Japanese American World War II Memorial on my way to work. This means I mostly walk past without thinking about why it is there. This morning I was moved to reread and remember and ask myself… (READ MORE)
Questions Around Town
Garden Mandala for Lakshmi
Happy Diwali (Jai Lakshmi)
Signs Around Town
Found Mandala (Outside the Train Depot)
I am aware that jet fuel and car gasoline from my travels is something I should consider every time I go. I try to travel by train when I can, or by bus, but I also consider my need to… (READ MORE)
Welcome Home
I welcomed myself back home with lentil wheat berry soup I made and froze before I left to go on vacation, including yoga retreat and study with Cyndi Lee, with just-picked from the still reasonably abundant garden, kale, garlic chives,… (READ MORE)
This morning, on my last full day of vacation, on my way to leave my bags in the office of the bed and breakfast where I was staying before I walked about in Santa Fe for the day, I walked… (READ MORE)