Sidewalk Writing Around Town
On the Refrigerator Door
I woke up violently beset with cold/flu symptoms on Tuesday (fortunately, I’d voted early). I hardly got out of bed for two days and while I was able to work some from home because there were deadlines that needed to… (READ MORE)
I had previously committed to volunteering at the Lantern at the same time as the demonstration at the White House against the separation, incarceration, and deportation of those seeking asylum. I left the house an hour early and got off… (READ MORE)
Laying Down the William Penn House Practice (Last Practice May 15)
Perhaps because it has been hosted at a place that fosters the Quaker way of doing business, but when I first tried to describe why I thought it was time to leave off having a regularly scheduled practice at William… (READ MORE)
7000 Pairs of Shoes
Thoughts and Prayers
Friday Night Sadhana (In Support of Dreamers)
I took leave in the middle of the day in between working for several hours at home and going into the office for a semi-obligatory office party. It was cold, but it was good people were out. One citizen speaker… (READ MORE)