State of the Garden
State of the Garden
Summer Dinner for a Friend
State of the Garden
I come home all too profoundly aware that these are war times and of the enormity of human suffering. And, to my great good fortune, I came home to my own kitchen and made a savory lentil stew with whole… (READ MORE)
Nasturtium dilemma (seeds v. seedlings)
It has been too cold for the nasturtium seeds I sowed a few weeks ago to germinate. By the time they germinate and grow, it will be too hot for the plants to thrive. (As a landscaper neighbor and friend… (READ MORE)
Pre-Season Gardening (and diksha)
In yoga practice the concept of diksha — initiation or threshold — carries with it a sense of right timing and conscious understanding of readiness for the next level. For example, knowing I was not yet strong enough, this past… (READ MORE)