Tag Archive: #climatevictorygarden

Three Lady Cardinals and the Grapes

How brazenly ecstatic were this trio of cardinals in the garden let me know that the grapes were fully ripe. They are delicious, though the skins are thick and there are seeds. The squash skin appears to have been gnawed… (READ MORE)


State of the Garden

Here’s the garden after the thunderstorm. Please take some healing, grounding breaths and then take action about increasing federal military presence in cities with peaceful protests.


Inviting Vision

When feeling overwhelmed by the state of things, I’ve been trying to look for comfort not with the “old normal” methods, but in positive possibilities for the future–building community and sharing sustainable nourishment.


Received Exhortation

I ordered some seeds for the garden–Malabar spinach–a spinach-like green that supposedly likes heat and humidity–from Calabash Tea and Tonic. I’m looking forward to seeing whether it will thrive in the summer. It’s hard to find greens that do well… (READ MORE)
