Question of the Week (On random thoughts of Wittgenstein arising while reading Abhinavagupta).
Is a mystical logician the same as a logical mystic?
Is a mystical logician the same as a logical mystic?
Saw this as an email signature from an email on a list serve I follow and had to share: To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation… (READ MORE)
I am subbing Fusion Flow tonight up at Willow Street. Natalie, for whom – am subbing, has been teaching the yamas and niyamas this session. She asked me to cover “samtosha” tonight. In contemplating this principle of practice again (it… (READ MORE)
It’s still March, and we’re in the middle of one big and fabulous rainstorm. Tomorrow (Saturday) might not be a great day for getting out into the garden (unless you like wading in mud), but it will be an absolutely… (READ MORE)
The fifth sutra in Abhinavagupta’s Siva Sutras, is “udyamo bhairava” — the great upsurge of consciousness. When we are open and aware, we can witness this upsurge, the very pulsing of life energy in all that is in and around… (READ MORE)
My friend and Willow Street colleague Natalie Miller taught a lovely class on Monday night, using sauca as her theme. She said that she had recently read a book that described the yamas as things we do to be better… (READ MORE)
The elevator I rode to my fifth floor office this morning was very full. Several of the people in the elevator were wearing visitor badges. As I walked on, I heard a woman say to a colleague, “…if you get… (READ MORE)
The first of Patanjali’s niyamas (part of the ethical precepts that are precursors to the practice of asana, pranayama, and meditation) is sauca — purity or cleanliness. The practice of sauca includes in it a literal exhortation to be physically… (READ MORE)