Food for the Mind (Yoga Philosophy, etc)

Contemplations on readings and yoga philosophy.

John Friend Speaks About the Recent Departures (in case you haven’t gotten this from other sources)

My own reflections will come at some point.  Here is a thoughtful interview with John Friend on the decisions by Darren Rhodes, Christina Sell, and Elena Bower no longer to hold themselves out as certified Anusara instructors.


Web Version of Fall Newsletter (Free Yoga, Annual Thanksgiving Fundraiser for Oxfam, New Props at Wm Penn House)

Dear Friends, Happy Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween.  We are slipping into the time of year that is good for dreaming and introspection, while things get wild and windy outside.  I can always tell when it is drawing to the… (READ MORE)


The Danger in Taking Instructions Out of Context (and Satcitananda)

Those of you who are regular readers may sometimes wonder why this blog, which purports to be about yoga, only on the rarest of occasions goes into any detail about the physical alignment principles for asana.  I just received a… (READ MORE)
