“What Is It?”
As I squatted on the brick sidewalk to take this photo during my lunch time walk, a nice-looking older man stopped and asked “what is it?” He was quite tall and standing at an angle that would not have showed… (READ MORE)
As I squatted on the brick sidewalk to take this photo during my lunch time walk, a nice-looking older man stopped and asked “what is it?” He was quite tall and standing at an angle that would not have showed… (READ MORE)
How can one be lost if one is thinking? Just asking. Excerpt from curator’s notes at the National Gallery of Art exhibit “I Spy–Photography and the Theater of the Street, 1938-2010” (No photographs allowed). Peace and light, E — Posted… (READ MORE)
This week, I am resigned that Anusara has finally dissolved too completely for it to live on in any way that resembled its former self, the most sweetly and bravely hopeful having at last been pushed away by the concatenation… (READ MORE)
We were holding at New Carrollton Station. Ten minutes or so passed before there was an announcement. The first announcement said that there was a “medical condition.” The second, perhaps five minutes later, referred to a “medical emergency” and that… (READ MORE)
This broken egg on the sidewalk served for me as a poignant reminder that one of the five acts of Shiva is dissolution or destruction and that we rarely get to choose the when and how something will come to… (READ MORE)