Swaha, swaha
Signs Around Town
The importance of grammar–for the want of an “s” accurate meaning was lost. Interesting to contemplate when rules assist us and set us free through shared understanding and when they bind and chafe. Peace and light, E — Posted with… (READ MORE)
Happy Fourth of July
What does the fourth of July mean to you? How do you integrate the yoga and/or other spiritual practices into your duties (I would call this part of our dharma) as a citizen (this is different than the wise separation… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Guru Purnima Style)
July Full Moon Rising (Guru Purnima)
Shadows and Light
In discussion of erudition and spirituality, much use is made of the metaphor of light. Light takes us out of darkness, reveals the truth of illuminated wisdom, is the truth, is pure consciousness, etc. When I noticed the shape in… (READ MORE)
Summer Greetings–Make[a]Shift (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, Yesterday, summer officially arrived with the Solstice, bringing with it blistering heat. Friend and student Jessica said at practice last night that it was as if Mother Nature–always in the know– looked at her wrist watch, said “hey,… (READ MORE)
Yograffiti (Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti)
The texts on sadhana — yoga practice — say in simplified essence that mantra is the fulcrum between the unknowable universal and manifest particulars. What language we use and how we use it can either lead us towards skillfully navigating… (READ MORE)