Found Assemblage (Following Directions)
Happy, Overly Optimistic, or Just Plain Crazy?
It’s not something I see everyday: a whistling old man sticking his thumb out for a ride. Pretty sure the first ride he will be offered (or would actually take) is the bus, but I imagine he will be happy… (READ MORE)
A New Sign (Sign of the Times?)
A Flash of Abhuta
I contemplate (practice bhavana on) the yoga principle abhuta (wonder) on a fairly consistent basis. When we can find wonder in sheer miraculous diversity of manifestation, we can enter a space of joy whence we can more likely respond in… (READ MORE)
An Obituary and a Quote Being Widely Shared
It is extraordinary to think how one man can have had such significance in so many lives. This quote provides valuable insight and perspective: “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (Less Clearly Seen Than Would Be Most Optimal)
I cannot tell from looking at the image on my Blackberry whether the words “faith” and “hope” that appear on this statue can be discerned in the photo, but they are there when standing and seeing the statue in person…. (READ MORE)
Morning Walk at the National Arboretum (Happy May Day)
In Which I Learn a New Acronym While Away on Meditation Intensive
On our last day of the intensive, many of us ended up talking about different upcoming events and opportunities for study, practice, and exploration. We all had many things that we would love to do. I do not think that… (READ MORE)