Signs Around Town
Found Exhortation
Hare Om Ganesha
A friend wrote an email to me this morning that in a recent office move, the plaster ganesha he’s had on his wall broke. Not to worry, though, he had been given another one to sit on his computer. Ganesha,… (READ MORE)
Train Ride Home
It is hard to believe that having arrived home only two weeks ago from my trip to India that I have already gone on and returned home from another trip. As I looked out the train window at the landscape… (READ MORE)
Found Sermon?
When I saw this on the sidewalk, I wondered whether it was litter–the content of a note unless autographed by someone famous is still litter if it is discarded on the street; or was it a note that slipped out… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Sometimes I Wonder
Sometimes I wonder why a thing appears in a particular place at a particular time. Then I wonder why I wonder. It is not as though I am going to get an answer. It can be good fun, though, speculating… (READ MORE)
Happy New Year–Breaking Open (web version of e-newsletter)
Dear Friends, Midnight of the new year found me sitting in a hotel room near the Chidambaram temple at festival time engaged in intense conversation while listening to wild music and chanting and the cracks and explosions of fire crackers. … (READ MORE)
Expanding to Receive the Beauty, Opening to Grace, and the Isha Upanishad
In Anusara yoga, one of the ways the first principle of “opening to grace” can be experienced and practiced is as a radical expansion of the capacity to receive and appreciate the very wonder of being. During my visit to… (READ MORE)