From the Perspective of the Gods
Found Exhortation (Ineffective)
Have you ever noticed just how ineffective and indeed counter-productive is the exhortation to “cheer up?” Being told to cheer up, be happy, etc, when one is feeling sad or out of sorts can just make one feel worse. The… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden (First Weekend After the Fall Equinox)
I pulled no longer productive summer plants and planted lettuce, spinach, chard, and arugula. The birds have been eating my seeds, so I got seedlings at Eastern Market yesterday morning. I have planted some more seeds, but wanted back up. … (READ MORE)
A Box of One’s Own
Received Exhortation (Tantra?)
I’d seen a photo on-line, and discussion before and after a friend took to the street and the park to write exhortations, prayers, pleas. I might not have seen it live had it not been directly on my way home… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Chewing Gum Wrapper
Street art, litter, or both? How much of what we experience or consume or do can be perceived as both a positive and a negative depending on mood and point of view? Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress… (READ MORE)