Signs Around Town
Would that every last one of us could earn this accolade. It takes remembering, though, how wild and precious is life. I forget some times, and one of the blessings of yoga for me is that it reminds me of… (READ MORE)
Would that every last one of us could earn this accolade. It takes remembering, though, how wild and precious is life. I forget some times, and one of the blessings of yoga for me is that it reminds me of… (READ MORE)
I say without hesitation that Ravi Shankar is one of the influences that led me to the deep practices of yoga. When I was first exposed to it through the Beatles in my early childhood, the music appealed to me… (READ MORE)
The excessive dryness and unseasonable warmth make me anxious. Sixties fahrenheit and dry may feel good in San Francisco, but here it just is out of place for the existing flora and fauna. Still, I made sure to get… (READ MORE)
We are composed of nothing different than earth, water, fire, air, and space, and much of yoga practice (as are related practices such as ayurveda) is designed to recognize and align our elemental identity. It is human nature to manufacture,… (READ MORE)