Roses and Prayer Flags
State of the Garden (New Garlic)
Daisies in the Garden
State of the Garden
The rose is just starting to bloom, the pansies are thriving with the cool, wet weather. These would not have made it through the coming rains, and it is sweet to have some inside blossoms in these times (and I… (READ MORE)
Working From Home Lunch
Blossoms in the House (Reblooming Supermarket Orchid)
Wheat Berries with Beet Greens, Garlic Chives, and Feta Cheese
Pantry items, long storage organic cheese, greens from the garden. As I eat these simple, inexpensive, nutritious meals, I ask myself: How much do I need? What kind of economy do I want to support for when we can go… (READ MORE)