Community and Family

thoughts on how we fit into the web of community, family and society

Potage D’Ete Au Mid-Atlantic (and jivan mukti)

Could not resist the french name.  More fun than summer local vegetable stew.  An alternative name could be:  how to make three okra and six beans into dinner for two.  Or maybe four.  When I was out in the garden… (READ MORE)


Shiva — By Almost Any Name (Summer Session Theme)

This summer, we will be exploring a very few of the names of Shiva and how they can draw us to a better understanding of ourselves on and off the mat. According to the sources, Shiva has either 108 names… (READ MORE)


Prana+Yama or Prana+Ayama (and Global Climate Change)

The other day a friend commented that it seemed that a major contributor to global climate change is how we have set out to control our environment instead of aligning with it (my paraphrase).  So much, he said, of what… (READ MORE)
