Different Ways of Turning Your World Upside Down
Yesterday at the William Penn House class, we were emphasizing strong working of our tailbones. One of the regular students came to class even though she was still exhausted from recent and sudden major loss and upheaval in her life. … (READ MORE)
This Week’s DOL Elevator Poster
Under the previous Secretary of Labor, we were told to make pertinent determinations in accord with the Defense of Marriage Act (in case you have been thinking there isn’t much difference who is in charge). Peace and light, E —… (READ MORE)
Can One Be Shy and a Successful Yoga Teacher?
I have wondered over the years, as I see the emphasis on being buoyant, outgoing, and cheerful as the hallmark of a fun yoga teacher, whether it is possible to be a successful yoga teacher in today’s society if one (like… (READ MORE)
Loops and Spirals and the Still Point at the Center (NYC, Vt, Long Island, DC)
My trip to the Anusara Grand Gathering was some loop of a trip, spiraling and pulsing between urban and rural, quiet time and enthusiastic gathering, old places and new scenery. Last Saturday, I took a morning train to Manhattan, where… (READ MORE)
Unplanned and Exquisite Detour (Old Westbury Gardens)
“Hip Openers for Peace”
Desiree Rumbaugh, in the afternoon break-out session on hip openers yesterday, referenced the earlier teachings at the gathering on love, and said with a giggle that her class was “hip openers for peace.” She shared a story of a teacher… (READ MORE)
It’s Easy When the Weather is Beautiful (and Ananda)
The light woke me early on this summer solstice. The sky is bright blue, the air clear and pleasantly temperate, the mountains lushly green, and friends surround me. The practice yesterday was lustrous, and the next two days promise to… (READ MORE)