Time to Pause
To be able to be most fully present when being active, it is crucial to pause, to be quiet and still, to nap, to allow enough time for a good night’s sleep. Resting and being quiet does not just mean… (READ MORE)
To be able to be most fully present when being active, it is crucial to pause, to be quiet and still, to nap, to allow enough time for a good night’s sleep. Resting and being quiet does not just mean… (READ MORE)
I have spent most of the last three days working from home so that I could be on site while repairs ensuing from the earthquake and hurricane were done. I’ve been luckier than most in the path. The damages I… (READ MORE)
Here is some information about the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline White House sit-in. I am not prepared at this time in my life to get arrested, but I have participated by raising my voice and donating money to organizations… (READ MORE)
Some great reminders and interesting new tidbits of information in this article/book review about globalization and Columbus. With a little help from our friends, some dedicated scholars, and a willingness to learn, we can have a better understanding of the… (READ MORE)
Why did it make me feel better to think it could have been worse? Hurricane Irene revealed a place that probably would not have leaked (into the living room) if mortar had not been shaken loose by the earthquake earlier… (READ MORE)
The rain started when I was about half way to Union Station to catch the metro to Takoma Park to teach the noon gentle/therapeutics class at Willow Street. Thanks to all the regulars, make=up students, and drop-ins for coming to… (READ MORE)
Dear Friends, After a summer of drought, we just experienced inside the Beltway the power when the earth shudders and shakes in an east coast earthquake of unusual magnitude. Now, less than a week after the earthquake, I take appropriate… (READ MORE)
When a hurricane that is predicted to be perhaps the worst in 50 years for the East Coast shares the same name as one’s mother, news of the impending destruction is bound to bring up childhood memories. I grew up… (READ MORE)
As I was headed out at lunch, a co-worker in another office whom I know only from the hallway, asked, “do you have an umbrella?” “Yes, I do, how are you?” I replied, knowing that she was trying to be… (READ MORE)